Almuric 3
- ALMURIC 3 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears in my art folio, "Almuric," based on the novel by Robert E. Howard. Almuric's courage overcame his fear of the black-winged men and allowed him to defeat them.
There is no work of fiction in which heroes display a higher level of courage than can be found in men and women of the real world throughout history.
COURAGE is the cost that life demands for granting freedom. There was a time when American people were subjects of the British empire, the land belonged to the King and he taxed them for living on his land. But when the Americans said, "No more!" the angry King sent the greatest military force on earth at that time, the British Army and Navy, to enforce his laws. Which led to one of the major events in human history, the "American Revolutionary War" . . .
On Long Island, a rag-tag army of Americans assembled to listen to the man who would lead them into battle against the King's superior forces;
"The time is near at hand which must probably determine whether we Americans are to be free men or slaves; whether we are able to have property we can call our own, whether our houses and farms will be pillaged and consigned to a British state from which no human effort can save them . . . The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or abject submission . . . We have, therefore, to pledge ourselves to conquer or die!"
Address to the Continental Army on the eave of battle,
August 27, 1776 - George Washington
The courage and leadership of George Washington led to the defeat of the British army, and Americans became "free" to build a new nation. How many Americans today, do you think know this?
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